We encounter the term “health” every day. Everyone talks about health, coaches it, teaches it, gives it away, sells it, longs for it … and proclaims “that it is the most important thing in life!”. Many people describe health as the opposite of illness, but honestly: have you ever defined…
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Sleep headphones – 3 alarming reasons against digital sleep masks
Sleep headphones – solution or problem? Sleep is a very complex topic, as is the body as a whole. This complexity overwhelms many people. This is one reason why the pharmaceutical industry, but also app developers, gadgets and other devices are booming. Because… they promise quick solutions to a complex…
Continue ReadingChronoCity – the world’s first chronobiology pilot city
ChronoCity, a project too big? I actually didn’t want to write anything more about my first and biggest pilot project to date. I have written a lot about this both in my books and in the ARL’s scientific anthology Zeitgerechte Stadt (article available for free download here). This project was…
Continue ReadingWe don’t need potential …
In unserer neuen Ausbildung zum ChronoCoach (Chronobiologie, Schlaf etc.) geht es auch um Potenziale und Selbstverwirklichung. Ich befasse mich in diesem Zusammenhang gerade intensiv mit der Bedürfnishierarchie nach Maslow. Kleiner Spoiler: Selbstverwirklichung ist NICHT das zu werden, was wir werden wollen, sondern das, was wir werden könnten. Maslow hat da…
Continue ReadingNutrition: Get tips for better sleep now
Diet has an influence on sleep quality. Not all sleep is the same and should be considered as individually as people’s shoe or body size. Every person has their own genetically determined chronotype. The chronotype shows when your genetic sleep time is and when you wake up. You can find…
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