Seit 20 Jahren beschäftige ich mich mit der Chronobiologie. Cronos ist in der griechischen Mythologie der Gott der Zeit, und die manigfaltigen Ausprägungen von Zeit sowie deren Bedeutung in verschiedensten Aspekten des Lebens begleiten mich seit diesen 20 Jahren. So haben wir, meine Frau und ich, in unserem ersten gemeinsamen…
Continue ReadingAuthor: Michael Wieden
3x snooze button on the alarm clock – harmful or not?
Is the snooze button on the alarm clock harmful or not? or … when the alarm clock wakes you up three times! That is actually the rule. It feels like there are just as many counter-studies to most studies. This is currently also the case with the snooze button and…
Continue ReadingAOK Bavaria
“Refreshing and interesting presentation of the topic of chronobiology. Helpful and useful information for both professional and private life and actions was presented in a practical and impressive way.” Leo Weber, AOK Bavaria
Continue ReadingFlabby without sleep – erectile dysfunction due to poor sleep?
Erectile dysfunction due to sleep problems – is that possible? In principle, it can be assumed in 99.9% of cases that a lack of sleep can lead to poorer performance at all levels of bodily function. Studies that confirm this therefore do not have the potential to be groundbreaking “game…
Continue ReadingFreundinnen der Nacht
“Super interesting, well moderated, instructive and eye-opening – the online lecture was great! Thank you!” Eva Bovet, Schlafcoach, Freundinnen der Nacht
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