ChronoCoach Ausbildung Chronobiologie

ChronoCoach – The first chronobiology training course

ChronoCoach® – The first training course in chronobiology ChronoCoach® – The knowledge of chronobiology is revolutionizing all training courses that deal with health issues. Why? Chronobiology is the science of the genetically determined internal clock. The best-known symbols for this are probably the owl and the lark, so-called chronotypes. Chronobiology,…

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Ernährung und Schlaf

Nutrition: Get tips for better sleep now

Diet has an influence on sleep quality. Not all sleep is the same and should be considered as individually as people’s shoe or body size. Every person has their own genetically determined chronotype. The chronotype shows when your genetic sleep time is and when you wake up. You can find…

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ADHS und Schlaf

School start times promote ADHD?

School start times promote ADHD? More sleep leads to less impulsive behavior and more stress resistance in children! Honestly, is that a surprise? Study shows correlations According to a recent study [1] by the University of Georgia’s Youth Development Institute, healthy sleep could be the game changer to help children…

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Is nature too stupid?

We humans boast of our achievements as the crowning glory of nature’s creation. There is hardly any area that cannot be made even better, more stylish, more convenient and more profitable through “innovation”. Driven by funding from industry, science is increasingly being drawn into this maelstrom and sometimes the results…

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